Sunday, December 5, 2010

It was a doozy...

Comparatively slow Saturday at Reference, but, boy, when it got squirrelly, it got REALLY squirrelly.

First, an update to the ongoing counts:
Nose Picking: +2, total of 5.
Boarding Passes: +1, total of 6.
Toilet Clanks: +4, total of 11.
Toilet Flushes: +7, for a total of 17.
The Rare Simultaneous Clank/Flush Combo: 1!

Another entry into the "Photocopy of Mysterious Origins" file. At the Circulation desk, there was a photo copy from the local city directory for 1954. Someone had copied the page showing a picture of the former library building. The picture was just sitting there on the counter, on the public side of a computer monitor. The staff had no idea it was there, but customers saw it when checking out books. None of my colleagues know who put it there.

I now know what it sounds like to have a dozen tubas practicing Christmas carols in a confined space. And so does anyone else who was in the library yesterday. They were practicing for the strolling brass band that plays in the holiday parade. VERY LOUD, very pretty, sort of odd, and I really missed it when they all trooped out the door for the parade.

While helping a young man find resources for his paper about the legislative process of creating immigration laws, a guy I'd seen around the library a lot lately invited himself into the conversation. He'd heard my patron's accent, and was curious. Turns out the guy had been a Peace Corps volunteer in a neighboring country around the time my patron had migrated here. My patron was pretty focused on getting the resources for his paper (it's due Monday), and I could see he was sort of uncomfortable with the Peace Corps guy approaching him like that. And then it got weirder. The Peace Corps guy said, "You want a sandwich? I have an extra!" and offered it to my patron. Never mind all the rules about not eating in the library (I had to bust a couple later in the day--they were eating AND rolling their own cigarettes in a quiet little nook). Never mind that my patron was pretty prosperous looking (new coat, leather satchel with a shiny laptop visible in it, gold necklace and watch). Just a random offer of a sandwich. I wonder what kind it was.

One of my regular ladies needed a lot of extra assistance at the public internet computer. She likes to find websites, copy the page into a word processing program, and then save the document to her thumb drive...because the kinds of websites she's looking for are often gone when she goes to look for them again. She's very concerned with mind control, and believes that she is being followed by people monitoring her every action. When the gigantic amount of data she's copying from a website doesn't immediately populate the new document she's creating, she's 100% convinced that the Pentagon is on the other end of the computer "changing things" for her. Or maybe it's the CIA.

And then there was my Stumper of the Day.

First off, know that the phone at the Reference Desk has two volume settings: Whisper and SHOUT. There are volume buttons on the phone, but I think the buttons are there to taunt the reference librarians, because no matter how many times you jab at the button the volume doesn't change. I always forget about the SHOUT setting, and I always end up wincing when a shouter calls and the phone is on SHOUT. My stumper was a shouter. And the phone was on SHOUT.

"Are you familiar with the picture of a kid eating a hamburger--well, it might have been a cheeseburger--and in the background is a TV showing Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald? Are you old enough to remember that? Came out in '64 or '65. It was in Esquire magazine. And it was a big old console television, walnut or something. And they had an article in it about 4 new faces, and I think one of them was Brooke Shields." No, I'm not old enough to remember that, sorry.

Recognizing that this was a search that could take some time, I asked for the caller's name and phone number so I could call back with results. The caller offered to call me back. I said that I was going to be going for my lunch in an hour, then I had other responsibilities in the afternoon. "Okay, I'll call back in an hour."

And it took me nearly the whole hour to find the picture. First off, there are tons of sites hosting the picture of Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald. TONS of them. But none of them show a kid eating a burger, cheese or otherwise. And none of them show an Esquire magazine cover. I searched Esquire's website, but they don't have much available as far as archives go--or at least not without a subscription.

So, I dropped the whole Esquire and magazine aspects of the search. Highly possible the caller had the wrong magazine, so let's not limit the search with "esquire OR magazine." Now, should I search for 'cheeseburger', 'hamburger', 'burger', or just plain old 'sandwich'? How about eating? Boy, girl, kid or child? Add "television OR TV"? "Lee Harvey Oswald" and "Jack Ruby"--but do I need 'shooting' or 'killing' or 'assassinating'? A colleague suggested searching with the phrase "famous picture," but that really skewed the results, so I dropped it quickly. And I totally ignored the Brooke Shields bit, as that didn't seem to be what the caller was seeking, and would only muddy the waters.

Like I said, it took me nearly an hour to find it, but I eventually did. Using Google's Image Search, I used the following search:
child burger TV background "Lee Harvey Oswald" OR "Jack Ruby"
The image was about 18th in the results, though I've just searched again, and it's up to 9th.

And here it is:

The clincher? I told my colleague who was relieving to expect a call back about the image, and presented her with the information I'd learned: May 1967 cover of Esquire (price: 75 cents), photo-collage by George Lois.

So, of course, the person didn't call back.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Come here! Look at this!

The Ref Desk was either silent, or I had 5 people in front of me. All day. Feast or famine. Most of it was the usual stuff: Where's the bathroom? The elevator's out, how do I get upstairs? Where's the copier? How can I get on the wifi? Why does this public internet computer want a password?

Then there was the woman who, with great excitement, came up to me at the desk and asked me to go back to her internet computer. "You have to look at this! Come see!" Expecting to see her computer on fire or porn on her neighbor's screen, I was stunned to see Facebook pictures...of puppies. Her niece's 4 hour old chihuahua puppies.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Did ya miss me?

Been on vacation the last couple weeks, which has been nice, but I was back to the grind today, back to Ye Olde Reference Deske.

And so glad I was, too. I got panhandled by one of the homeless guys. While sitting at the desk, no less!

Also, got into a 10 minute debate about whether listening to an unabridged book on tape counts as "reading" a book or not. I say it does, and that, if anything, it expands the listener's imagination. My sparring partner maintained that the only way to fully expand one's imagination was to read the story from the text. This was from a professional filmmaker.

And, I sheepishly confess that I had a stumper for a while. I ended up taking the caller's name and number, doing some research, and calling back with my findings. The entire time I was searching, I could hear my partner in the back of my mind saying, "What, you don't know this???" It took me far too long to determine if the US budget for fiscal year 2011 has been passed yet. (It hasn't, we're on a continuation through the 3rd, then it's anybody's guess.) The whole experience made me want to go find some high school Civics class and sit in on it. For about 20 years.

Had another one of those heartbreaking-but-this-is-why-I-do-this moments. Helped a young woman find her mother's death notice from the newspaper. She was 6 when her mother died in a car accident, and had never had any of the newspaper clippings. So, we found the death notice, the obituary, and a couple of articles about the hit-and-run drunk driving accident. She had tears in her eyes the whole time, but also a smile. She printed out copies to mail to her sister who just started college.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Busy, busy!

Too much going on just now for me to share everything, but trust me, I've been taking notes & I have some goodies to share. Including about 97 bajillion more flushes to add to the count.

There was one stand-out moment worth noting.

As I was sitting at the desk today, a man I've seen around the library a couple of times walked past the desk saying, "Wanna play footsie?" And he kept going. No eye contact, no pause in his stride, no cell phone tucked up to ear.

Still trying to decide if he was asking me or the desk.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Welcome, November!

Been a quiet week at the ol' ref desk. The weather has been wild--unusually warm followed by unusually windy. I figure people have been outside to enjoy it, followed by being outside to clean up from it.

On Saturday, my would-be hockey coach came back, and wanted my assistance in checking his email to see if he got the job. Except for one thing: He can't remember where his email is. Is it Yahoo? Is it Gmail? Is it Hotmail? We never did figure it out, trying his screen name and password on all three without success. He said he'd check with a friend who helped him set up his email in the first place.

Spent half an hour trying to find books that would help a high schooler do a paper about why countries sent out explorers and, more specifically, why some countries didn't. That's no small subject, and the student couldn't narrow it down to specific countries to be explored. It was also not about specific explorers, their journeys, or the lands 'discovered' or the empires that followed. Eventually, we found a few, then I went back to the desk to do some more searching. Found a gorgeous atlas (in the Reference collection) about the age of exploration, and took it back upstairs to where I'd left the student. And proceeded to startle the heck out of both of us when I put the book on the desk. Hadn't realized my approach was so stealthy, and I jumped at the student jumping!

Only other thing that's really standing out from the last few days: A tremendous surge in the ongoing counts:


Nose Picking: 3 (no change)
Boarding Passes: 5 (no change)
Toilet Clanks: +2, total of 7.
Toilet Flushes: +9, for a total of 10. Heard NINE flushes in 4 1/2 hours. That's impressive work!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So YOU'RE the one!

Absurdly busy first two hours at reference this morning, then two absurdly quiet hours. I'm still debating--would I rather have it like that or just a steady stream?

Saw the man who printed the huge document. Now 100% convinced he's not going to pay for it. Will put it in the recycling or turn it over to my industrious colleagues who make and use scratch paper.

The printer that spits out public internet computer reservations stopped working. This creates havoc as nobody remembers which computer they were assigned, and they all want to hop onto the most recently vacated one. Had to look up a dozen reservations by user's library card number to get things straightened out, once I got the printer working again. A good swift thunking helped.

Helped create an email account and facebook account for a woman today. The deeper into the process we went, the more certain I became that she's 95% illiterate. Need to figure out the local resources for adult literacy. We have all kinds of information about other programs, but I've missed the important one, apparently. Will have to talk to a colleague tomorrow.

Only other interesting one was someone who called to ask about the indexes for a huge reference book series we're thinking about withdrawing. He knew the span of dates for the entire series we've collected, and which volumes had individual indexes in their backs. He wanted to know about the dates of the overall indexes, and how they were formatted. When I mentioned the call to a colleague, she knew exactly who it was who had called. We pretty much agreed that the caller was the one and only person interested in this huge multi-volume set. I guess it's true that one man's treasure is a weeding reference librarian's trash.

Or something to that effect.


No ongoing counts noted in the busy-ness.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Short, quiet Saturday

A quiet day. It was gorgeous out, so I think most people were enjoying the weather. Only had four reference calls all day, and only a couple of questions for finding books. Spent half an hour talking with a regular about his current project, and somehow we got to discussing travel. Found out he's been to every county in the United States! Other than that, only really had two real standout moments during the day.

A regular caller in a nearby town (we all recognize her voice) called in a panic, "Help me identify these bugs in my kitchen! They're red, and they many legs do they have, honey?" "Six!" "They have six legs! What are they?" I referred her to the local college's agriculture and entomology department.

The other was when a man with spiky hair and a freshly knocked out tooth wanted to use a computer. I got him started, and went back to the desk. After a while, I was aware that the printer tied to the public computers was printing...and printing...and printing...and printing. He came over and asked if it was his document. We figured out it was, and the printer stopped. Except it didn't stop, it was only pausing, regrouping before it spit out still more. 160 pages in total! We charge $0.10/per page, so that was $16.00...and, of course, he said he didn't have his wallet. He offered to give us his bank account number, so I explained that that wouldn't do us any good. He asked we'd accept a pre-paid phone card. Uh, no. So, he left his name, and I put the document in a folder. If he does come back on Monday like he said he will, he can pay then and take it home. I think he was surprised at how big the document was, but the whole thing was a little surreal. I give it less than 50/50 odds he'll be back.

Nose Picking: 3 (unchanged)
Boarding Passes: 5 (unchanged)
Toilet Clanks: +2, total of 5. And a full on flush!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nothing major to report, Sir.

Have done a few short shifts on the reference desk since my last update. Only a couple of interesting bits.

Someone went out of her way to hand me a pencil with no point, and purple sticky looking stuff around the tip. It was so odd, she just walked up to me with it held out way in front of her, almost like approaching for fencing. I said, ever so brightly, "Oh, you're bringing me a pencil?" She replied, "I found it upstairs. It's broken. Someone needs to fix it," as she walked away.

OK, I'll get right on that.


Nose Picking: 3
Boarding Passes: 5
Toilet seat clanking from a bathroom upstairs (requires that someone has bathroom door open as someone drops the seat down in order for the noise to reverberate): Estimating 3 as cumulative total since beginning of blog. Gender of bathroom as yet undetermined.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

She what?????

Ah, another Saturday on reference. It did not disappoint for weirdness, either!

First, a simple question from me:
WHY is there a broad tipped surgical prep marker in the drawer of the reference desk?

It seemed to be my day for helping people fill out forms online. I gave someone a crash course in email, which really shouldn't be so surprising to me anymore, but it does still amaze me that there are people out there without email. The internet is so huge in my world that I can't remember living without it.

I helped a homeless gentleman apply for a job, sort of. The job he wants is currently filled, but we filled out the form that will notify him if it becomes open future. He listed a job for his experience, but it had nothing to do with the job in which he was interested. I wish this man well, and hope he finds something...but I really don't think he's going to be the next head coach for the local National Hockey League franchise. Dare to dream, though!

The most surreal moment came as I was helping someone find a phone number for a long-lost child. After presenting the information, somehow our chat turned to a nearby impoverished rural community. I mentioned that we have friends who live there, when the customer said, "Oh, do you know my sister-in-law? She castrates sheep with her teeth!"

Umm. What?


Nose Picking Count: 2
Boarding Passes Printed: 5

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Two firsts!

Only filled in for an hour on reference today during someone's lunch break, but, as usual, it was pretty interesting.

I got my first stumper: How long can an email be? Not how big an attachment, but how much text can be put into an email before the email service can't handle it. Stumped me. Kept getting different answers, then realizing that the number was related to attachment size. Passed it along to the librarian I was relieving.

And I had my first angry customer, lucky me. I'd heard her all the way across the library, talking loudly to someone at the circulation counter. The word, "Hold" kept wafting across the library. She appeared at the reference desk a couple of minutes later, and asked how a book can go from, "Being available in one day to having a thirty day wait, just like that!"

I looked up the book, and saw that it's on loan, not due for 9 days, and that there are two people with holds. My unhappy customer was the second. I'm only vaguely familiar with the hold portion of the software, so I wasn't able to figure out when each hold had been placed...but that probably wouldn't have changed anything.

She wanted to know if the book would be returned promptly on the due date (as if I had any control of that?). I told her that I'd been looking at overdue bills earlier, and had found someone with $115.00 in fines. (BTW, how the HECK is that even possible?)

Well, that set her off, and she had a full head of steam going. She essentially proceeded to tell me that that people now-a-days had no consideration for others, the younger generation has no respect, etc. I really wonder how old she thought I was--I'd pegged her as 30 years my senior.

Anyway, she was miffed, and was going to stay miffed until someone handed her a copy of the book she wanted, and did so NOW. Ironic bit? The book she wanted was titled, "The Happiness Project."


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Not a Saturday, but worth noting

Someone brought in a book (printed in 1919) about a local politician who once sought (but did not receive) the nomiation of his party to run for President of the United States. The donor, who had come across the country on vacation and made a special stop to see us, was slightly crestfallen when we said we had the book, but cheered up when we offered to give this copy to the local school named in the politician's honor.

Also in the envelope were several photographs of the politician--all very dignified with a massive beard and stern profile.

In addition, there was a folded document on heavy paper that, at first glance, looked like a diploma for a law degree...but why was the text not in English or Latin? The name on it was not that of the local politician.

After the donors had left, I transcribed the document, and searched some key words. Turns out it wasn't a law diploma, but the membership certificate for a Danish organization devoted to the study of ancient Scandanavian languages & texts.

Oh, and it was from 1834. And it's beautiful. And it connects to absolutely nothing in the collection.


Also, I should like to introduce my first ongoing themed count:

Nose Picking Count: 1

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Joy of Saturdays on the Reference Desk

I've recently started working Saturdays at the Reference Desk at my local public library. Less than half the usual staff is on duty on Saturdays, and only one volunteer is scheduled. Already, I can see that this one shift of Reference is going to be the most interesting 4 1/2 hours of my work week.

For example:
  • My fortune was read--without my prompting. I was told that I'm in the 6th year of my 9 year cycle. The 6th year is the year of everyone demanding my time and attention. My 7th year will start on my birthday, and it will be the year I declare that I need time for myself--and I take it, which will lead to a spiritual re-centering. The 8th year is when my ship comes in, and all my hard work will pay off. I can't wait!

  • In the middle of asking for help in making a reservation for a public internet computer, someone told me that the valuable lost thing I've been looking for will be next to something green. (My grandmother's anniversary ring is missing, so I'm hoping...problem is that it's probably lost in a purple bedroom...)

  • I had to look up the musical notation for "repeat this phrase" for a customer...and describe it over the phone.

  • A guy in the computer center yelled at a couple behind him for talking too much. 20 minutes later, I saw the same guy being friendly to another man in the computer center, one who talked to himself non-stop all day. Mostly conspiracy theories.

  • An aggressive or impatient young man demanded help in finding books in leaning over the balcony and yelling down to me. Turned out he wanted books about how to learn Arabic. Later, on my way out the door for lunch, he came to me and demanded I call the police, that we rewind the security monitors and see who stole his iPod. He went so far as to grab the phone off the counter and dial 9, but I hung up before he could complete 911 and dialed the non-emergency number for him. When I got back from lunch, I was told that his iPod had been found...on the upper balcony, not the lower one where he was looking. Also with the iPod were his other pair of socks.